As founder/owner of The Kids R Us Foundation, I wanted to share my motivation and drive behind my organization.  At the age of 3, was the first time I was molested by a close family member.  Then, again at the age of 5 by another family member.  I guess you are probably wondering, “where was my parents?”.  My mother worked the night shift, my biological father was in and out, and my stepfather worked every shift he could to ensure my little sister and I wanted for nothing. Because my parents (mother and stepfather) worked so hard, they trusted family to help look after us.  Now, you’re probably wondering, “did my parents know?”  No, I did not tell them until years and years later.  First of all, I was “confused”.  At the age of 3 or 5, I had no idea what they were doing to me.  I just knew that I suffered a lot pain and I wanted it to “STOP”.   How do you tell your parents that you have perverts in the family.




I grew up” ANGER” and “RESENTFUL”.   By 18 years of age, I was full of counseling, I was a terrible teen, in and out of trouble, ran away from home twice, and I even tried killing myself by setting the house on fire with me and family inside. Why didn’t I tell anyone? By now, I was “ashamed”. I even blocked it out as I got older and married.  My fiancé at the time and soon became my husband, was the first person I told.  He just used it against me.  He was “verbally abusive”, he would “rape” me, he would “beat” me and I allowed it.  He wanted to control me. He didn’t want me to go to college and he didn’t want me to work.  I felt “alone” and still couldn’t tell my parents.  That one day, I turned to my “Creator”, my “Lord” and “Savior”. I got down on my knees and prayed and prayed.  I cried and I cried, until I could no longer cry anymore.  No amount counseling is going help until “you” are ready to accept help.  And, I am here to tell you that, “No matter what “you” are going through, “YOU ARE NOT ALONE”.  If you feel someone is getting out of line with you, tell your parents.  If your parents don’t listen, tell your teacher.  If you teacher won’t listen, “CALL ME”.  And, I will not “STOP” until I have done “ALL” that I can do.  No child should have to grow up the way I did.  That is why I have created the Kids R US Foundation.  Kids R Us Foundation is a private, nonprofit child welfare organization with a commitment to serving homeless, poor, disadvantaged, abused, neglected and/or abandoned young children.

Child Abuse and Neglect

Approximately 3.9 million cases of child abuse and neglect were reported to Child Protective Services (CPS) in the U.S., involving around 7.2 million children. About 618,000 children were confirmed as victims of abuse or neglect.

Types of Abuse:

Of these confirmed cases, 76.1% were victims of neglect, 16.5% were physically abused, and 9.4% were sexually abused. Many children suffer from multiple types of maltreatment.


Children aged 0-3 years have the highest rate of victimization. The rate of victimization for children of different races/ethnicities varies, with African American children having the highest rate, followed by Native American, multiracial, and Hispanic children.

Runaway Youth Prevalence:

Each year, approximately 4.2 million youth and young adults experience homelessness, with about 700,000 to 2.1 million of these being minors who run away or are forced out of their homes.


Runaway youth are often between the ages of 12 and 17. They come from all racial, economic, and cultural backgrounds.


The primary reasons for running away include family conflict, abuse, neglect, and issues related to sexual orientation or gender identity.

Trafficked Teens


The National Human Trafficking Hotline identified 11,500+ situations of human trafficking in the U.S every year., involving 22,326 individual survivors. A significant proportion of these survivors are minors.


Trafficking victims are predominantly female, and many are teenagers. Vulnerable populations, such as runaways, homeless youth, LGBTQ+ youth, and those with a history of abuse or neglect, are at higher risk.

Forms of Trafficking:

Most trafficked teens are subjected to sex trafficking, but some are also victims of labor trafficking.

Connections Between Categories


There is considerable overlap between these categories. Teens who experience abuse or neglect are more likely to run away, and runaway teens are at significantly higher risk of being trafficked.

Risk Factors:

Common risk factors for these issues include family dysfunction, substance abuse, mental health issues, economic hardship, and prior victimization.

Support and Prevention


There are numerous resources available, including the National Runaway Safeline, National Human Trafficking Hotline, and various child protective services and non-profits dedicated to preventing and addressing these issues.


Effective interventions often involve coordinated efforts between social services, law enforcement, healthcare providers, and community organizations to provide comprehensive support and prevention strategies. These statistics highlight the critical need for continued efforts to protect and support vulnerable youth in the U.S.

Need help? Book a call at a time to suit your schedule


Kids R US Foundation

201 Ave F Kentwood, LA 70444






Department Hours:

opens 8:00 am – 5:00 pm